Friday 28 May 2021


THE TECHNOLOGY THAT “CONNECT”US ALSO CONTROL US.OR WE MAY SAY THAT “DIVIDES” US. Its easy today to lose sight of the fact that these tools actually have created some wonderful things in the world. they have united many lost family members. It may provide you platform to learn and explore or to jump into discussions and many more. I mean, there were meaningful, systemic changes happening around the globe because of these platforms. on one side they were Positive! I think we were credulous about the other side of that coin. As we know that everything has its own pros and cons. As high-tech that provides us many ways to unlimited information, entertainment, great access to communication as well as it manipulates us, distracts us, Monetize us and many more. The whole tech industry is getting greater and greater day by day, the entire tech industry is under new degree of examination. Ten of millions of Pakistanis are pitifully dependent on their electronic devices. Its exacerbated by the way that you can in a real sense separate yourself now in a bubble because of our technology. While we talk about rising number of depression in our youngsters we some way or another find a strong connection of online media platforms and there excessive use of screens. such as TikTok, if you talk to any tween out there is no chance they’ll delete this thing Because it has become like an addiction for young people. There is a question about whether social media become a source of stress for young people these days? A study directed by the Royal Society for Public Health asked 14-24 year olds in the UK how social media platforms impacted their health and wellbeing. The overview results found that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all prompted expanded sensations of sadness, nervousness, helpless self-perception and forlornness .As well as As these cosmetic procedures become more popular among young people. Plastic surgeons have developed a new syndrome for this “snapchat dysmorphia” with young patient needing a medical procedure so they can look more as they do in filtered selfies. I think it's like playing a game with the minds of our young people So that they may turn away from the truth and have lived in a world that is far from reality. This is how the mind game continues by keeping us away from reality.

Even in today's modern age, people are kept away from truth through social media. fake news is turning out to be further developed now and compromising social orders all throughout the globe. We have moved from the information age to disinformation age. when you check out you it seems like the world is going off the deep end you need to ask yourself is this normal? or then again we as a whole have fallen under some sort of spell. I wish more people could see how this functions since it ought not be something that solitary the tech business realizes it ought to be something that everyone knows. As the Author of Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now JARON LANIER, you may experience difficulty envisioning existence without your online media accounts, however Joran Lanier demands that we're in an ideal situation without them. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Lanier, who partakes in no web-based media, offers amazing and individual purposes behind us all to leave these hazardous online stages. Lanier's explanations behind liberating ourselves from web-based media's harmful hold remember its inclination to draw out the most noticeably awful for us, to make governmental issues startling, to deceive us with dreams of notoriety and achievement, to curve our relationship with reality, to disengage us from others even as we are more "associated" than any time in recent memory, to deny us of our choice with tireless focused on promotions. How might we stay self-governing in reality as we know it where we are under persistent reconnaissance and are continually being pushed by calculations run by the absolute most extravagant partnerships in history that have no chance to get of bringing in cash other than being paid to control our conduct? How should the advantages of online media conceivably exceed the disastrous misfortunes to our own pride, joy, and opportunity? Lanier stays a tech self-assured person, so while exhibiting the malicious that standards online media plans of action today, he likewise imagines a humanistic setting for long range informal communication that can guide us toward a more extravagant and more full method of living and interfacing with our reality. The manner in which Tech works isn't a law of physics, it isn't unchangeable these are decisions that people such as myself have been making and people can change those decisions .And question is now whether we we’re willing to admit that those terrible result are coming straightforwardly as a result of our work its that we assembled these things and we do have capacity to change it. Because this is not the right way to treat human beings. The fabric of healthy society depends on us getting rid of this corrosive business model. So is not crazy to say that we must need to change that but it is necessary to do.

                                                                                                                                      Thanks for reading. 

                                                                                                                                               Hajra latif.

Monday 3 May 2021

Pakistan and Israel who is more powerful?

 Pakistan and Israel relations refers to the bilateral relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the State of Israel which, despite the lack of official diplomatic relations, have been defined by multiple instances of close covert coordination and cooperation during events such as the Soviet Afghan War. Pakistan does not bar Israeli citizens from traveling to Pakistan. Though Pakistan has no diplomatic mission in Israel, applicants for Pakistani visas can apply in a third country if they are legal permanent residents in that country. In a joint press release issued by the Israel Prime Minister's Office and the Health Ministry on Friday, it was said that Israelis will not be allowed to travel to Ukraine, Brazil, Ethiopia, South Africa, India, Mexico, and Turkey. Pakistanis don't need passport of any other country to enter Israel because they can get paper visa on Israeli borders. Diplomatic ties have not been established between Pakistan & Israel and as a Muslim-majority country, Pakistan has refused to recognize Israel 28 UN member states do not recognize Israel: 15 members of the Arab League (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen), ten other members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Iran and its about Israel duress opinion about the Palestine innocent peoples and the main reason is Israel still killing the innocent Palestine peoples and these Muslims states specially Pakistan demand that Israel must stop this atrocities. its a vividly imminenet threat to the Palestine Muslims. A lot of Human rights organization is still silent on this issue and I'm inestimable. Because Palestine people in a fix and no one ever human organization do not help them its is icing on the cake. But still blood is letting. his was in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort. At the same time, the British had promised the Arabs that a united Arab country, covering most of the Arab Middle East, would result if the Ottoman Turks were defeated. Turkey established official relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1975 and was one of the first countries that recognized the Palestinian State established in exile on 15 November 1988.
Turkey supports the efforts of the State of Palestine to be recognized as a state in international forums. 
During the 1948 Arab-Israeli WarIsrael's diplomatic mission in Washington received information that Pakistan was trying to provide military assistance to the Palestinians alongside rumor's that a Pakistani military battalion would be sent to Palestine to fight the Israelis. Pakistan had apparently bought 250,000 rifles in Czechoslovakia that were meant for the Arabs, and a later discovery revealed that Pakistan had bought three military-grade aircraft in Italy for the EgyptiansThe Pakistan Air Force sent a group of its fighter pilots to engage the Israelis in combat during the 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, greatly bolstering the Palestinians who were suffering repeated defeats to the Israel Defense Forces. A Pakistani fighter pilot, Saiful Azam, had shot down at least four Israeli fighter planes during the Six-Day War. After the Yom Kippur War, Pakistan and the PLO signed an agreement for training PLO officers in Pakistani military institutions. During the 1982 Israel-Lebanon War, irregular Pakistani volunteers served in the PLO and 50 were taken prisoner during the Siege of Beirut. The relationship between Pakistan and Israel continued to be ridden with hostilities following these direct engagements, and when 
Mossad terrorist group lead by Israel was unable to stop Pakistan's nuclear weapons program from making major developments, a plan to bomb Pakistani nuclear facilities in a similar fashion to Operation Opera was authorized. Israel subsequently made contact with India in an effort to gain support and secure a launching point for Israel's aircraft. However, India refused to allow Israeli aircraft to station on its soil, whereas Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency had discovered the plan and prepared suicidal one-way retaliatory measures to bomb strategic sites in Israel. 
Pakistan's religiously-oriented political parties such as Jamaat-e-Islami and  groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba fiercely oppose any relationship with Israel because Israel killing innocent peoples every day and have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel due to its standing as an alleged sworn enemy of Pakistan. Currently, as Pakistan refuses to recognize Israel until a viable solution is reached with Palestine, all Pakistani citizens are unable to travel to Israel, with Pakistani passports bearing an inscription outlining the invalidity of the passport for this purpose. Although not certain, there is a rumour that Israel was the sixth country in the world that managed to research and develop their own nuclear arsenal. However, they did not confirm that fact. Still, a lot of sources claim that they managed to prepare fully working nuclear warheads in 1966. In spite of such early dates, Israel has not joined the NPT. Up to this day, they do not confirm nor deny the possibility of having nuclear arsenal. As a result of that, Israel is said to apply quite effective, yet affordable deterring policy. According to many organizations, the estimated numbers of nuclear weapons that Israel possesses varies from 80 up to even 200 ready to be launched nuclear weapons. What is more, there are Pakistan is one of several nations that are not the part of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Yet, the Pakistani government managed to acquire nuclear warheads, or at least it is believed so. The entire pursuit for nuclear power began at the beginning of 1970s. It was back then, when Western Powers heard about Pakistan efforts of developing nuclear weapons. At the beginning the government established first nuclear power plant. It was located near Karachi. Noteworthy is the fact that it was possible due to the help of Western nations, which provided Pakistan with necessary equipment and materials. Later on, the president of Pakistan said that the main goal of Pakistan is to construct nuclear weapons. It was a response to India’s claim that they are capable of building nuclear weapons. Although throughout the 1970s and at the beginning of 1980s there were little facts regarding Pakistan’ nuclear capabilities, there were rumours that from the mid-1980s, Pakistan already had a few warheads. However, it was only in 1998 that Pakistan decided to conduct their first nuclear tests. There were 6 tests and they were the response to 5 tests that India conducted several weeks before Pakistan. also rumours that Israel managed to prepare special missiles that can be operational from submarines.18 years of age for compulsory (Jews, Druzes) military service; 17 years of age for voluntary (Christians, Muslims, Circassians) military service; both sexes are obligated to military service; conscript service obligation - 36 months for enlisted men, 21 months for enlisted women, 48 months for officers; pilots commit to 9 years service; reserve obligation to age 41-51 (men), 24 (women)6-23 years of age for voluntary military service; soldiers cannot be deployed for combat until age 18; the Pakistani Air Force and Pakistani Navy have inducted their first female pilots and sailors; the Pakistan Air Force recruits aviation technicians at age 15; service obligation (Navy) 10-18 years; retirement required after 18-30 years service or age 40-52.In 2020, the Prime Minister of PakistanImran Khan, said that the United States was pressuring Pakistan to recognize Israel and that it was because of: "Israel's deep impact in the United States"Khan also said: "Israel’s lobby is the most powerful, and that’s why America’s whole Middle East policy is controlled by Israel, However, after being asked directly whether or not he would establish diplomatic relations with Israel, Khan reaffirmed Pakistan's position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating that there will be no relationship between Israel and Pakistan until a "just settlement" is given to the Palestinians.

Sunday 2 May 2021

Pakistan–European Union relations

 In 1976, the first European Commission Pakistan Commercial Cooperation Agreement was signed and 10 years later, a Commercial and Cooperation Agreement valid for 5 years is signed as well and with extensions by tacit agreement ever since. In order to enhance Pakistan's capacity on the World Trade Organization (WTO) related issues, a trade-related technical assistance programmed was launched in 2004 with a view to streamlining procedures and processes for trade facilitation in compliance with EU norms and standards. In May 2007, the European Union and Pakistan set up a (Sub-Group on Trade) under the Pakistan EU Joint Commission. Since January 2014, Pakistan has benefitted from the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+). The GSP+ grants full removal of tariffs on over ( 66%) of EU tariff lines. To benefit from the GSP +, Pakistan has to demonstrated progress towards the implementation of 27 global conventions related to good governance, human and labour right and environmental protection. EU is Pakistan's biggest export destination. In 2019, the EU accounted for (33%) of Pakistani external trade with Pakistani exports to the EU reaching "E7.492" billion, composed by mainly textiles but also medical equipment and leather products while EU exports to Pakistan represented "E5.545" billion (mainly mechanical and electrical equipment, but also chemical and pharmaceutical products. Diplomatic  relations between Pakistan and the 

European Economic Community were established in "1962. In 1985" the European Commission opened an office in Islamabad that was upgraded 3 years later into a European Commission Delegation, including full diplomatic status and a Head of Delegation accredited as Ambassador to the Head of State of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The European Union is sending an Election Observation Mission to monitor the parliamentary elections in
Pakistan in "2002, 2008, 2013" as well as an Election Follow-up Mission in "2016 and in 2018" a way to strengthen the democratic process. The European Union Database on Election Mission is mentioned. 
In December "2006" the Council of the European Union called on Afghanistan and Pakistan to deepen relations and to cooperate closely to deal with insecurity in border areas, while urging Pakistan to build on current efforts to prevent the use of its territory by the Taliban. The EU and Pakistani relations led to a new strategic level with the European Union - Pakistani Summit that took place on 17 June 2009.This summit allowed to tackle various subjects like the strengthening of the EU-Pakistan partnership, the regional political situation, global issues and the world economy. On 1 December 2009, with the Lisbon Treaty entering into force, the European Commission Delegation established in Pakistan became the Delegation of the European Union to PakistanTo set the basis for a strategic dialogue, a second Summit took place on 4 June 2010 and forged a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments. 
Following the decisions taken during 2009 and 2010 European Union – Pakistan summits, the EU-Pakistan Five-year Engagement Plan came into force in 2012. The aim of this Plan  Delegation established in Pakistan became the
Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan. 
To set the basis for a strategic dialogue, a second Summit took place on 4 June 2010 and forged a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments. Following the decisions taken during 2009 and 2010 European Union – Pakistan summits, the EU-Pakistan Five-year Engagement Plan came into force in 2012. The aim of this Plan was “to build a strategic relationship by forging a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments”. A second result of the European Union – Pakistan summits is the EU-Pakistan Strategic dialogue was held in Islamabad in June 2012.The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP), Catherine Ashton led the European Union Side while the Pakistani Foreign Minister "Khar" represented Pakistan. Two EU-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue were hold in March 2014 and in October 2016. The current ambassador of the EU to Pakistan is Ms. "Androulla Kaminara" since September 2019. The previous ambassadors of the European Union to Pakistan were Mr. Johannes De Kok (January 2011 to January 2011), Mr. "Lars-Gunnar Wigemark" (February 2011 to March 2015), Mr. "Jean-François Cautain"  April 2015 to July 2019.The 8 October 2005 earthquake had a devastating effect on Northern Areas of Pakistan, in particular Azad Jammu and Kashmir and North West Frontier Province. In response to this calamity the Commission proposed an assistance package of €93.6 million, consisting of both humanitarian aid (€43.6 million) and reconstruction support (€50 million) for commitment in 2005. Substantial assistance was also provided under other thematic budget lines, including for Afghan refugees in Pakistan and droughts. In 2010, Pakistan was affected by major floods and more than 20 million Pakistanis were affected by these floods. To help Pakistan, the European Union has funded €150 billion in 2010 and €92.5 billion in 2011 by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations(DG ECHO). Including floods, the EU also helped Pakistan for effected people as Internally Displaced Person (IDP) and refugees.


 In our daily life we ignore a lot of matters related to gender based violence. There is two reason for ignoring this violence either way we don't think that this is collateral damage for humanity or it is normal think for us? But still the world is divided into Two mindset's about the violence because one side said that this is vividly collateral damage for the woman's or for the humanity on the other hand Some abtuse. People who have vicious mindset are practice this violence, still the world is fighting for the humanity still many organization work for the protection of the human life's around the world such as council of Europe members states' nation made enormously plans to protect woman against violence  Montenegro- Netherlands- Norway- Slovakia- Switzerland- United Kingdom-BelgiumCroatia these countries take deplorable step's to control the gender based violence all over the world. some international NGOs working in the field of violence again woman.

Gender Equality Grouping enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe

Women Against Violence Europe

Amnesty International

European Women’s Lobby

But the reality is still the states bewildered why after doing a lot of efforts still the violence ratio is excessively increasing and this is really disenchanted for every one who are trying to control these gender based violence according to the statics One in four women will experience domestic violence and, on average, more than three women are murdered by their partners in the United States every day  According to an estimate, approximately 70 to 90% of Pakistani women are subjected to domestic violence. Almost one in three married Pakistani women report facing physical violence from their husbands. Only 22% of women are formally reported to participate in the Pakistani workforce USAID is proud to announce that both ASEFA and ARM are new partners that are receiving funding from the Agency for the first time. Additionally, the Agency will award grants to three established USAID partners: Marstel-Day will work in collaboration with Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law (WI-HER) to tackle natural resource conflict as part of the Government of Fiji's Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) program. REDD+ will focus on addressing GBV, women's livelihoods, gaps and barriers in gender and social inclusion, and institutional and legal challenges.Trócaire, working in collaboration with the Land Equity Movement of Uganda (LEMU)  and the, will aim to implement a proven methodology to train community members and partner staff; document women's land rights; develop and implement an gender-integrated approach that addresses power imbalances between men and women; and improve land rights in Ugan working in collaboration with Innovation and Training for Development and Peace (IFDP), will improve women's access to land and GBV referral systems in the DRC.
USAID, through our Office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and the Environment, aims to incentivize partnerships between organizations that are working on the environment and on equality between women and men and women's empowerment. The Agency works to fund promising approaches that address GBV in programs that focus on the access, use, control, and management of natural resources

Saturday 1 May 2021

World with the eye of Bin Laden (1957-2011)

 Bin laden in this blog we are trying to understand what Bin laden think about the world why he was attack on world trade center and the key question of this blog that is the way Bin laden is remembered, did he want to be like that? take a look on Bin laden life he was born in 1957 in Riyadh kingdom. 

Bin Laden was one of the children of Muhammad bin Laden, a self-made billionaire who, after immigrating to Saudi Arabia from Yemen as a laborer, rose to direct major construction projects for the Saudi royal family. By the time of Muhammad’s death in an airplane accident in 1967, his company had become one of the largest construction firms in the Middle East, and the bin Laden family had developed a close relationship with royal family. Bin laden studied business administration at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, where it is likely that he also received instruction in religious studies from Muḥammad Quá¹­b, brother of the Islamic revivalist Sayyid Quá¹­b, and Abdullah Azzam, . His time at the university was key to his future role as leader of al-Qaeda, Shortly after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, bin Laden, who viewed the invasion as an act of aggression against Islam, began traveling to meet Afghan resistance leaders and raise funds for the resistance. By 1984 his activities were centered mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he collaborated with Azzam to recruit and organize Arab volunteers to fight the Soviet occupation. Bin Laden’s financial resources, along with his reputation for piety and for bravery in combat, enhanced his stature as a militant leader. A computer database he created in 1988 listing the names of volunteers for the Afghan War led to the formation that year of a new militant network named al-Qaeda  although the group remained without clear objectives or an operational agenda for several years. In 1989, following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia, where he was initially welcomed as a hero, but he soon came to be regarded by the government as a radical and a potential threat. In 1990 the government denied his requests for permission to use his network of fighters to defend Saudi Arabia against the threat of invasion posed by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Bin Laden was outraged when Saudi Arabia relied instead on U.S. troops for protection during the Persian Gulf War, leading to a growing rift between bin Laden and the country’s leaders, and in 1991 he left Saudi Arabia, settling in Sudan at the end of the year. In the early 1990s bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network began to formulate an agenda of violent struggle against the threat of U.S. dominance in the Muslim world. Bin Laden publicly praised other groups’ attacks on Americans, including the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. In 1994, as bin Laden expanded his group’s infrastructure in Sudan and trained his on army to participate in conflicts around the world, Saudi Arabia revoked his citizenship and froze his assets, forcing him to rely on outside sources for funding. In 1996, under heavy international pressure, Sudan expelled bin Laden, and he returned to Afghanistan, where he received protection from its ruling Taliban militia. Later that year bin Laden issued the first of two orders declaring a war against the United States, which he accused, among other things, of looting the natural resources of the Afghanistan, occupying the Arabian Peninsula, supporting governments servile to U.S. interests in the Middle East. Bin Laden’s apparent goal was to draw the United States into a large-scale war. To thousand,

Al-Qaeda trained militants and funded terrorist attacks. In 1998 bin Laden ordered an operation larger than any of al-Qaeda’s previous operations simultaneous bombings of U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which altogether killed 224 people. The United States retaliated by launching cruise missiles at sites believed to be bin Laden’s bases in Afghanistan were thousand of innocent Afghani Muslims was killed by US . Another al-Qaeda bombing in 2000 targeted the USS Cole, an American warship harbored in Yemen, and killed 17 sailors. The growth of the organization was attributed in part to bin Laden’s charisma. He was known to be a skilled orator, able to manipulate a variety of rhetorical strategies and to make his message easily accessible even to the uneducated. At the end of the 20th century, bin Laden was thought to have had thousands of militant followers worldwide, in places as diverse as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Bosnia, Chechnya, and the Philippines. In 2001, after 19 militants associated with al-Qaeda staged the September 11 attacks, the United States led a coalition that overthrew the Taliban in Afghanistan. In December 2001 bin Laden went into hiding after evading capture by U.S. forces in the Tora Bora cave complex. In the following years, U.S. forces searched for him along the Afghanistan- Pakistan border, during which time bin Laden remained absent from the public eye. Then in October 2004 less than a week before that year’s U.S.  presidential election bin Laden emerged in a videotaped message in which he claimed responsibility for the September 11 attacks. After that he periodically released audio messages, including in 2008, when he threatened retaliation for the deaths of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and in 2009, when he challenged the nerve of the new U.S. president, Barack Obama, to continue the fight against al-Qaeda. due to this step bin laden in a fix. Meanwhile, U.S. forces had continued to hunt for bin Laden, who was still thought possibly to be hiding either in Afghanistan or in the tribal regions of Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan. U.S. intelligence eventually located him in Pakistan, living in a secure compound in Abbottabad, a medium-sized city near Islamabad. On May 2, 2011, bin Laden was killed when a small U.S. force transported by helicopters raided the compound. His body, identified visually at the site of the raid, was taken out of Pakistan by U.S. forces for examination and DNA identification and soon after was given a (fake)sea burial. Hours after its confirmation, bin Laden’s death was announced by Obama in a televised address. Several days after Obama’s announcement, al-Qaeda released a statement publicly acknowledging bin Laden’s death and vowing revenge. Ten years after the killing of its founder Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda bears little resemblance to the terror network that struck the US on September 11, 2001, but remains a threat even under a starkly different leadership structure. After his killing in Pakistan by US special forces, Bin Laden was succeeded as Al-Qaeda's chief by the Egyptian jihadist Ayman al-Zawahiri, an ideologue who has cut a far less charismatic presence. Zawahiri has had to lie very low, most likely around the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, amid speculation over whether he is still even alive, while the group has now mutated into something very different central is a shadow of its former self," Barak Mendelsohn, a terrorism expert at Haverford College in Pennsylvania, told AFP. "Zawahiri's biggest success was to keep Al-Qaeda alive. "Mendelsohn said that rather than being a coherent decision-making Centre, Al-Qaeda's leadership is now more akin to a "board of advisors" rallying and assisting jihadists across the world. Zawahiri, 69, has seen Al-Qaeda essentially franchise out its operations from the Maghreb to Somalia to Afghanistan, as well as in Syria and Iraq. “Under Zawahiri's stewardship, Al-Qaeda has become increasingly decentralized, with authority resting primarily in the hands of Al-Qaeda's affiliate leaders," according to a recent report from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) think-tank. It said Zawahiri had indeed played a major role in the reorganization of numerous jihadist groups under Al-Qaeda's umbrella. At the end of 2020, unconfirmed reports re-emerged that Zawahiri had died from a heart condition, the latest in years of rumors that he was in fact dead.

Bin laden with Ayman al Zahrani

He later appeared in a video denouncing the plight of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar.The uncertainty over the composition of Al-Qaeda's leadership was intensified last August following the killing in Tehran, reportedly by Israeli agents, of Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, the group's number two under al-Zawahiri and known by his nom-de-guerre of Abu Mohammed al-Masri.If Zawahiri is still alive, it means Al-Qaeda is led by a man most likely in ailing health who, despite being one of the architects of the September 11, 2001, attacks, lacks the macabre magnetism of his predecessor.The US has issued a $25 million bounty for Zawahiri and put him on its most-wanted terrorists list, but analysts say officials do not seem overly concerned about him, and are not making overt efforts to hunt him down. Washington's lack of interest may be down to the weakening importance of Al-Qaeda as a decision-making hub, coinciding with the rise of the rival Islamic State group.IS, which at its peak controlled a self-proclaimed "caliphate" comprising swathes of Iraq and Syria, notably stole the thunder of Al-Qaeda in media as its radical voice dominated social networks. Rather than joining forces, the two groups have fought on numerous battlefields in the Middle East and Africa, and Al-Qaeda is still confronted with a challenge to remain relevant.- New generation? -Whatever Zawahiri's fate, his era is coming to a close and experts point to one clear candidate as his possible future successor, his fellow Egyptian Saif al-Adel. Adel is a former lieutenant-colonel in the Egyptian special forces who joined the Egyptian Islamic Jihad group in the 1980s. He was arrested but was later freed, and travelled to Afghanistan to join Al-Qaeda under Zawahiri. "Adel played a crucial role in building Al-Qaeda's operational capabilities and quickly ascended the hierarchy," said the CEP, adding that he also had a central role in training the plane hijackers who carried out the September 11 attacks Al-Qaeda has vowed to “wage war on all fronts” against the US unless it retreats from the entire Muslim world. Speaking just days ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the assassination of the group’s former leader Osama bin Laden, two of its operatives told CNN that it is planning a comeback in Afghanistan as the US withdraws. “The Americans are now defeated,” said Al-Qaeda. The terrorist group, now led by Ayman Zawahiri, has largely been eclipsed by Daesh in recent years in terms of attacks carried out and media exposure. The presence of US forces in the Middle East has long been seized upon by terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda, Daesh and Hezbollah as a rallying cry for their causes. Earlier in April, US President Joe Biden announced that he would withdraw troops from Afghanistan, effectively ending America’s longest-ever war. “Bin Laden is dead and Al-Qaeda is degraded in Afghanistan. And it’s time to end the forever war,” he said. As part of the withdrawal, the Taliban and the US have agreed in talks that the group will cut ties with Al-Qaeda. While its direct physical presence has declined since the death of Bin Laden on May 2, 2011, Zawahiri has overseen a diversification of its role in global jihadism. “Under Zawahiri’s stewardship, Al-Qaeda has become increasingly decentralized, with authority resting primarily in the hands of Al-Qaeda’s affiliate leaders,” according to a recent report from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) think tank. The US has placed a $25 million bounty for Zawahiri, who features on its most-wanted-terrorist list. these types of condition make Bin laden.


Women on the Rise: Pakistan's Emerging Generation of Leaders

  F or generations, the story of women in Pakistan has been dominated by limitations. Deeply ingrained cultural norms and social structures ...