Friday 28 May 2021


THE TECHNOLOGY THAT “CONNECT”US ALSO CONTROL US.OR WE MAY SAY THAT “DIVIDES” US. Its easy today to lose sight of the fact that these tools actually have created some wonderful things in the world. they have united many lost family members. It may provide you platform to learn and explore or to jump into discussions and many more. I mean, there were meaningful, systemic changes happening around the globe because of these platforms. on one side they were Positive! I think we were credulous about the other side of that coin. As we know that everything has its own pros and cons. As high-tech that provides us many ways to unlimited information, entertainment, great access to communication as well as it manipulates us, distracts us, Monetize us and many more. The whole tech industry is getting greater and greater day by day, the entire tech industry is under new degree of examination. Ten of millions of Pakistanis are pitifully dependent on their electronic devices. Its exacerbated by the way that you can in a real sense separate yourself now in a bubble because of our technology. While we talk about rising number of depression in our youngsters we some way or another find a strong connection of online media platforms and there excessive use of screens. such as TikTok, if you talk to any tween out there is no chance they’ll delete this thing Because it has become like an addiction for young people. There is a question about whether social media become a source of stress for young people these days? A study directed by the Royal Society for Public Health asked 14-24 year olds in the UK how social media platforms impacted their health and wellbeing. The overview results found that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all prompted expanded sensations of sadness, nervousness, helpless self-perception and forlornness .As well as As these cosmetic procedures become more popular among young people. Plastic surgeons have developed a new syndrome for this “snapchat dysmorphia” with young patient needing a medical procedure so they can look more as they do in filtered selfies. I think it's like playing a game with the minds of our young people So that they may turn away from the truth and have lived in a world that is far from reality. This is how the mind game continues by keeping us away from reality.

Even in today's modern age, people are kept away from truth through social media. fake news is turning out to be further developed now and compromising social orders all throughout the globe. We have moved from the information age to disinformation age. when you check out you it seems like the world is going off the deep end you need to ask yourself is this normal? or then again we as a whole have fallen under some sort of spell. I wish more people could see how this functions since it ought not be something that solitary the tech business realizes it ought to be something that everyone knows. As the Author of Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now JARON LANIER, you may experience difficulty envisioning existence without your online media accounts, however Joran Lanier demands that we're in an ideal situation without them. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Lanier, who partakes in no web-based media, offers amazing and individual purposes behind us all to leave these hazardous online stages. Lanier's explanations behind liberating ourselves from web-based media's harmful hold remember its inclination to draw out the most noticeably awful for us, to make governmental issues startling, to deceive us with dreams of notoriety and achievement, to curve our relationship with reality, to disengage us from others even as we are more "associated" than any time in recent memory, to deny us of our choice with tireless focused on promotions. How might we stay self-governing in reality as we know it where we are under persistent reconnaissance and are continually being pushed by calculations run by the absolute most extravagant partnerships in history that have no chance to get of bringing in cash other than being paid to control our conduct? How should the advantages of online media conceivably exceed the disastrous misfortunes to our own pride, joy, and opportunity? Lanier stays a tech self-assured person, so while exhibiting the malicious that standards online media plans of action today, he likewise imagines a humanistic setting for long range informal communication that can guide us toward a more extravagant and more full method of living and interfacing with our reality. The manner in which Tech works isn't a law of physics, it isn't unchangeable these are decisions that people such as myself have been making and people can change those decisions .And question is now whether we we’re willing to admit that those terrible result are coming straightforwardly as a result of our work its that we assembled these things and we do have capacity to change it. Because this is not the right way to treat human beings. The fabric of healthy society depends on us getting rid of this corrosive business model. So is not crazy to say that we must need to change that but it is necessary to do.

                                                                                                                                      Thanks for reading. 

                                                                                                                                               Hajra latif.

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