Sunday 2 May 2021

Pakistan–European Union relations

 In 1976, the first European Commission Pakistan Commercial Cooperation Agreement was signed and 10 years later, a Commercial and Cooperation Agreement valid for 5 years is signed as well and with extensions by tacit agreement ever since. In order to enhance Pakistan's capacity on the World Trade Organization (WTO) related issues, a trade-related technical assistance programmed was launched in 2004 with a view to streamlining procedures and processes for trade facilitation in compliance with EU norms and standards. In May 2007, the European Union and Pakistan set up a (Sub-Group on Trade) under the Pakistan EU Joint Commission. Since January 2014, Pakistan has benefitted from the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+). The GSP+ grants full removal of tariffs on over ( 66%) of EU tariff lines. To benefit from the GSP +, Pakistan has to demonstrated progress towards the implementation of 27 global conventions related to good governance, human and labour right and environmental protection. EU is Pakistan's biggest export destination. In 2019, the EU accounted for (33%) of Pakistani external trade with Pakistani exports to the EU reaching "E7.492" billion, composed by mainly textiles but also medical equipment and leather products while EU exports to Pakistan represented "E5.545" billion (mainly mechanical and electrical equipment, but also chemical and pharmaceutical products. Diplomatic  relations between Pakistan and the 

European Economic Community were established in "1962. In 1985" the European Commission opened an office in Islamabad that was upgraded 3 years later into a European Commission Delegation, including full diplomatic status and a Head of Delegation accredited as Ambassador to the Head of State of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The European Union is sending an Election Observation Mission to monitor the parliamentary elections in
Pakistan in "2002, 2008, 2013" as well as an Election Follow-up Mission in "2016 and in 2018" a way to strengthen the democratic process. The European Union Database on Election Mission is mentioned. 
In December "2006" the Council of the European Union called on Afghanistan and Pakistan to deepen relations and to cooperate closely to deal with insecurity in border areas, while urging Pakistan to build on current efforts to prevent the use of its territory by the Taliban. The EU and Pakistani relations led to a new strategic level with the European Union - Pakistani Summit that took place on 17 June 2009.This summit allowed to tackle various subjects like the strengthening of the EU-Pakistan partnership, the regional political situation, global issues and the world economy. On 1 December 2009, with the Lisbon Treaty entering into force, the European Commission Delegation established in Pakistan became the Delegation of the European Union to PakistanTo set the basis for a strategic dialogue, a second Summit took place on 4 June 2010 and forged a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments. 
Following the decisions taken during 2009 and 2010 European Union – Pakistan summits, the EU-Pakistan Five-year Engagement Plan came into force in 2012. The aim of this Plan  Delegation established in Pakistan became the
Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan. 
To set the basis for a strategic dialogue, a second Summit took place on 4 June 2010 and forged a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments. Following the decisions taken during 2009 and 2010 European Union – Pakistan summits, the EU-Pakistan Five-year Engagement Plan came into force in 2012. The aim of this Plan was “to build a strategic relationship by forging a partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and commitments”. A second result of the European Union – Pakistan summits is the EU-Pakistan Strategic dialogue was held in Islamabad in June 2012.The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP), Catherine Ashton led the European Union Side while the Pakistani Foreign Minister "Khar" represented Pakistan. Two EU-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue were hold in March 2014 and in October 2016. The current ambassador of the EU to Pakistan is Ms. "Androulla Kaminara" since September 2019. The previous ambassadors of the European Union to Pakistan were Mr. Johannes De Kok (January 2011 to January 2011), Mr. "Lars-Gunnar Wigemark" (February 2011 to March 2015), Mr. "Jean-François Cautain"  April 2015 to July 2019.The 8 October 2005 earthquake had a devastating effect on Northern Areas of Pakistan, in particular Azad Jammu and Kashmir and North West Frontier Province. In response to this calamity the Commission proposed an assistance package of €93.6 million, consisting of both humanitarian aid (€43.6 million) and reconstruction support (€50 million) for commitment in 2005. Substantial assistance was also provided under other thematic budget lines, including for Afghan refugees in Pakistan and droughts. In 2010, Pakistan was affected by major floods and more than 20 million Pakistanis were affected by these floods. To help Pakistan, the European Union has funded €150 billion in 2010 and €92.5 billion in 2011 by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations(DG ECHO). Including floods, the EU also helped Pakistan for effected people as Internally Displaced Person (IDP) and refugees.

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