Friday 30 April 2021

Migration for Earning!

It is not easy for everyone to leave their family and migrate for earning. Many Pakistani do this thing and leave their family for earning because they feel camaraderie with Gulf countries they spend prolonged time of their life without their family's only for the better life of their children's they put their own life in jeopardize. They crumbled their dreams  to compliance  the dreams of their children's and this is disenchanted condition and also deplorable. 
eight million workers for employment, mainly in the Middle East labour market. While throughout this period, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) remained the main destination countries for Pakistani workers, their placement in other oil-exporting countries of the region, such as Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, has also been a common phenomenon. Migration for employment out of the Middle East region is not very common, suggesting that Pakistan has not been able to find new overseas markets for its workers and this is in a fix. The annual placement of Pakistani workers in the Gulf seems to be a major source in easing the demographic pressure on the domestic labour market. This outflow was equal to approximately one-third of the total new entrants in the local labour market, and the annual placement of migrants in the Gulf constitutes more than 10% of the total unemployed labour force of Pakistan. Pakistan is currently passing through a demographic transition which has resulted in a youth bulge and an increase in the working-age population. Migration to the Gulf has probably provided opportunities for productive and remunerative employment for young work force.  

Gulf countries Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE have increased their quota for employment of labour from Pakistan .Over 200,000 workers have gone to Saudi Arabia so far this year. The total Pakistani workforce there has increased 207 percent, according to "Zulfi Bukhar" special assistant to the prime minister for the Ministry of Oversees Pakistanis and Human Resource Development. According to official Government statistics from 1971-2019, over 11 million Pakistanis (over 99 per cent out of whom are male), have moved abroad for work. Over 90 per cent of these travel to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates hosting the largest share of Pakistani migrant workers. After India, Pakistan is now the second-largest South Asian country to send migrant labour to the GCC, the majority of which is low to semi-skilled.

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