Friday 30 April 2021

Migration for Earning!

It is not easy for everyone to leave their family and migrate for earning. Many Pakistani do this thing and leave their family for earning because they feel camaraderie with Gulf countries they spend prolonged time of their life without their family's only for the better life of their children's they put their own life in jeopardize. They crumbled their dreams  to compliance  the dreams of their children's and this is disenchanted condition and also deplorable. 
eight million workers for employment, mainly in the Middle East labour market. While throughout this period, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) remained the main destination countries for Pakistani workers, their placement in other oil-exporting countries of the region, such as Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, has also been a common phenomenon. Migration for employment out of the Middle East region is not very common, suggesting that Pakistan has not been able to find new overseas markets for its workers and this is in a fix. The annual placement of Pakistani workers in the Gulf seems to be a major source in easing the demographic pressure on the domestic labour market. This outflow was equal to approximately one-third of the total new entrants in the local labour market, and the annual placement of migrants in the Gulf constitutes more than 10% of the total unemployed labour force of Pakistan. Pakistan is currently passing through a demographic transition which has resulted in a youth bulge and an increase in the working-age population. Migration to the Gulf has probably provided opportunities for productive and remunerative employment for young work force.  

Gulf countries Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE have increased their quota for employment of labour from Pakistan .Over 200,000 workers have gone to Saudi Arabia so far this year. The total Pakistani workforce there has increased 207 percent, according to "Zulfi Bukhar" special assistant to the prime minister for the Ministry of Oversees Pakistanis and Human Resource Development. According to official Government statistics from 1971-2019, over 11 million Pakistanis (over 99 per cent out of whom are male), have moved abroad for work. Over 90 per cent of these travel to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates hosting the largest share of Pakistani migrant workers. After India, Pakistan is now the second-largest South Asian country to send migrant labour to the GCC, the majority of which is low to semi-skilled.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Turkey welcomes Khashoggi murder case trial in Saudi Arabia.

Murdered story of  the columnist for "The Washington Post" Jamal khashoogi is started from 2 October 2018, when he was tortured and killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by a 15-member team brought in from Saudi Arabia for the operation according to the Turkish police sources. after the murdered of the Jamal khashoggi the Turkish president said this is atrocitie. after all this fuss Turkish gov believes the main suspect is Saudi crown prince who ordered to kill the Jamal khashoggi, but Kingdom refuse the allegation  of this matter and Saudi spokesperson said that this is blatant manner  of Turkish gov. The matter flare up when the journalist and Human rights organization is involved in this matter for the justice of Jamal khashoggi murder, due to this Saudi crown prince in a fix. this matter is also effect the relation of the two countries. Some analysts believe due to this flummoxed condition bin Salman put his on kingship in jeopardize. and shown to the world that he is obtuse. But Kingdom take some deplorable steps and start the inquiry of this murdered. But the Turkish gov is not elated with this sluggish inquiry and still demanding the arrest of the fugitive's. 

But due to the pressure of the Turkish gov and USA Kingdom convert this sluggish inquiry into speed. Bin Salman assured  as soon as possible all the fugitives would be punished and on "26 April 2021" Kingdom complete the trial of the Jamal khashoggi after completing of this trail Turkey said it respected the Saudi court's verdict and stupendous with kingdom verdict, in the murder case of Jamal Khashoggi in which 8 people were handed between 7- and 20-years jail sentences last year. In an interview with Reuters on Monday, Ibrahim Kalin, the spokesman and adviser of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that he welcomed the Khashoggi murder trial in Saudi Arabia. “They had a court. Trials have been held," Kalin said. "They made a decision so we respect that decision. Seeking to mend ties with Saudi Arabia, the spokesman of the Turkish president said: "We will seek ways to repair the relationship with a more positive agenda with Saudi Arabia as well," adding he hoped Saudi popular boycott would end.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Pakistan Army "war" against Covid 19

Khan's government trying to win the war against covid but still trying from the beginning to the current situation   khan's government impose a lot deplorable decision to control the covid since 2019 to till date but this third variant of the covid in Pakistan made tussling and cases is enormously increased. khan's government believe that this situation is excessive disenchanted. after imposing smart lockdown in many cities and closing educational institutions but covid cases is still raises  and now statics of the covid situation related to covid present condition. Pakistan has recorded 17,187 deaths and 800,452 cases so far, and is in the midst of third wave. Due to the Orwellian, khan's gov make decision to deploy Pak army in 16 cities  to combat covid,  Pak army on Monday announced the deployment of Pak army in 16 cities most effected by the coronavirus to help local authorities' ensure compliance with the standard operating procedures(SOPs) devised to control the spread of covid. Major general Babar Iftikhar(ISPR),said that the  troops deployment in cities where the positivity rate reached "dangerous "level, had been made in the accordance with the Article 245 of the Pakistan constitution.

the army troops have been depolyed in Islamabad, Peshawar, Mardan, Nowshera, Charsadda, Swabi, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Bahawalpur, Gujranwala, Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Muzaffarad. 

Shafqat Mehmood and Cambridge students? what is next!

 In Pakistan the covid is enormously spread day by the days thousand of the citizen of Pakistan is effected by this third UK variant of covid in this alarming situation the khan's government take some  deplorable steps for the health of the their citizens and again impose the smart lockdown in all over the Pakistan. this situation is also effect the education system of Pakistan all over the Pakistan the education institution including Universities/collages/and schools are closed due to the pandemic and all the exams is cancelled by the khan's government the NCOC meeting held and chair by the education minister of Pakistan  Shafqat Mehmood. But in this fragile situation where every one enjoying online classes /online exams. Hot news is came out "Cambridge examinations start with strict coronavirus SOPs in place across Pakistan" Student of Cambridge 

board fascinated to this news their parents  said that this khan's government jeopardize their children's and they demand for online exams but education minister Speaking during Geo News' program  "Naya Pakistan" about holding exams despite students' protest given the rise in coronavirus cases across the country, Shafqat Mehmood said that Cambridge examinations will start tomorrow as per the schedule .
Shafqat Mehmood said that the health of the residents consistently is the khan's government first priority yet since the fewer number of students taking the Cambridge exams in Pakistan, the National Command Operations Center (NCOC) proposed proceeding with the decision to conduct the exam. Despite of the mounting pressure from students who requested the scratch-off of exams in the fragile Covid circumstance, Cambridge examinations have started from  (Monday) with strict coronavirus standard operating procedures in 

 place across Pakistan. Extending good wishes to the appearing candidates on social media,  Minister for Education  "Shafqat Mehmood said that these are tough times and difficult decisions have been made keeping the student's best interest in view"

Sunday 25 April 2021

Philippines’ ‘War on Drugs’

Every  country of the world want to eliminate the drugs' form their countries most of the developed countries still trying their best to eliminate drugs' and  drugs' sellers as well as drug smuggler's who are carry drugs from one place to another from one country to another when we read the history of drugs trafficker's when they catch by the police officers they immediately send to the jail and the countries likes Pakistan who are spend a lot of money for the treatment drugs' users.  But most of the countries such as KSA  and Malaysia have law that some one how are catch  by the cop on the bases of drugs smuggling they should be hang not  Muslim country's have duress restriction against the drugs' users or sellers but. Nowadays philippines ‘War on Drugs 

Since taking office on June 30, 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has carried out a “war on drugs” that has led to the deaths of more than 12,000 Filipinos to date, mostly urban poor. Human Rights Watch has chronicled the brutal campaign since the beginning. International human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch, have documented that 3,906 suspected drug users and dealers died at the hands of the police from 1 July 2016 to 26 September 2017 while unidentified gunmen have killed thousands more, bringing the total death toll to more than 12,000. This is an incredible increase when it is considered that in the six months before Duterte assumed power only 68 people died at the hands of the police in drug-related incidents. There has been a wider ripple effect, with hundreds of thousands of people giving themselves up to the police in the fear they may be targeted next. Duterte has previously called the Court’s credibility into question, saying it was ‘hypocritical’ and ‘useless’ and daring them to take him to court. He has, conversely, also threatened to withdraw his country’s membership. Since the news broke of the examination, Duterte complained about the focus being on him when it isn’t on other countries such as the UK, US and places in the Middle East. Closer to home, where Duterte continues to enjoy high levels of popularity, some organizations are arguing that the ongoing Rohingya crisis in Myanmar is genocide and that the ICC should be involved. Duterte has also made this comparison himself. 

There are also several procedural challenges to overcome. Preliminary examinations can be notoriously slow, so quick proceedings are essential to ensure justice for any victims of international criminal law violations. However, this is made difficult in cases like the Philippines where the president himself is implicated in the possible crimes that have taken place. Despite the Philippines National Police and the Philippine’s Drug Enforcement Agency saying they will provide date; the question still remains whether it is realistic to believe that the Philippines will cooperate fully in providing evidence for the investigation. Furthermore, given the president has promised cover to those who have committed any wrongdoing, it is unclear how witnesses – often speaking at great risk to themselves – can be adequately protected. But perhaps a greater tension is the issue of complementarity, which means that, in practice, the ICC will only hear cases where the state is unable or unwilling to do so. Duterte’s spokesperson, Harry Roque, has argued that domestic law, such as the 2009 Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes against Humanity, provides a domestic legal framework for pursuing any investigations.


Nowadays every state invests huge part of their economy on the green initiatives

Green matters for green life.

                                                 Because they want a healthy life past few year the ratio in pollution is increased throughout the world and it become the cause of many deaths and its effect our daily and healthy life. Pakistan ranked as second-most polluted country in world. And now it is enormously alarming situation for new world. We consider air pollution play very essential role to eradicate our pacified life. And air pollution is imminent threat for every state. That’s why we can see every country star green indicative's

KSA start green initiative with Russian Russia’s Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the country’s sovereign wealth fund, said it would work with Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) to invest in the Kingdom’s green initiatives. The Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Green Initiative, which were announced by the crown prince on Saturday, aim to combat climate change, reduce carbon emissions in the region by 60 percent, halt land degradation, preserve marine life and raise vegetation cover by planting 10 billion trees in the Kingdom, and enhance efficiency of oil production. The initiatives are expected to eliminate more than 130 million tons of carbon emissions by using clean hydrocarbon technologies in the Kingdom. As both Saudi Arabia and Russia are leading oil producer

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan, launched the Clean Green Pakistan Movement (CGPM) on 13th October 2018. This national campaign underpins behavioral change and institutional strengthening while envisaging the need to address five components: plantation, solid waste management, liquid waste management/ hygiene, total sanitation, and safe drinking water. The CGPM has a specific focus on empowering the citizens to seek access to basic services but also making themselves equally accountable and responsible for Clean Green Pakistan

India fight for oxygen

  A city where ‘breathing has become a luxury’

India has recorded nearly a million infections in three days, with 346,786 new cases overnight into Saturday. The number of deaths across India rose by 2,624 in the 24 hours to Saturday, up from 2,263 on Friday.. Recently, the Indian government trusted it had beaten the infection. New cases tumbled to 11,000 by mid-February, immunizations were being traded, and in March the wellbeing clergyman said India was "in the endgame" of the pandemic. However, since then, a new surge has erupted, driven by the emergence of new variants, as well as mass gatherings, such as the 'Kumbh Mela' festival, where millions of pilgrims gathered earlier this month. The World Health Organization (WHO) said the situation in India was a "devastating reminder" of what the coronavirus could do. but sadly even after so many deaths, Indian government looks helpless inform for covid-19

oxygen matters?

Women on the Rise: Pakistan's Emerging Generation of Leaders

  F or generations, the story of women in Pakistan has been dominated by limitations. Deeply ingrained cultural norms and social structures ...